The money you raise by wearing your Footy Colours helps keep kids with their families while they are fighting cancer.
Support of kids with cancer
Each year, just under 150,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in Australia – and almost 1,000 of them are in children and young people under the age of 18.
Footy Colours Day raises money for the Fight Cancer Foundation to help fund patient accommodation for more than 1,000 families each year, as well as cancer research into better treatments and outcomes for people of all ages.
Our services and support help make sure that families who must travel to access cancer treatment can stay together, without having to worry about the cost of accommodation in a new city. They also help reduce the emotional, physical and financial impact of cancer.
Our accommodation centres keep families together – a home when parents and siblings need to relocate to be close to kids receiving treatment; or so kids and a parent can be close to a loved one throughout treatment and recovery.
Our programs in action

“I don’t want him, for his life, forever having to try to catch up because of what he has been through.”
- Kelly, Chase's mum

“It wasn’t until people started asking me in the community ‘Will she have to repeat?’ that I thought ‘Oh I don’t think so’. Fortunately she didn’t have to, but it does happen.”
- Sam, Swai's mum

“Maya was getting continuous support from Sonya every day and it was just the best support she could have.”
- Sheila, Maya's mum
About Fight Cancer Foundation
Fight Cancer Foundation is a national charity dedicated to providing care, treatment and support for cancer patients and their families and funding vital research into cancer treatment and cures.
Fight Cancer Foundation eases the burden of a cancer diagnosis by offering families much-needed practical and emotional support. Our services include:
Our accommodation centres in New South Wales and Victoria provide much-needed comfortable and affordable accommodation for people living with cancer and their families who must travel long distances to access life-saving treatment.
Fight Cancer Foundation is proud of our longstanding partnership with Melbourne Health and The Royal Melbourne Hospital to fund research into blood cancer.
All the money raised through Footy Colours Day funds Fight Cancer Foundation's programs to help families stay together.